Liberia [+]Compare [E]dit [H]istory

Aliases: Republic of Liberia

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Object «Liberia» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 111,369 km²
Continent Africa
Land area 96,320 km²
Water area 15,049 km²
Land boundaries 1,667 km
Border countries
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Guinea
  • Sierra Leone
Coastline 579 km
Mean elevation 243 m
Lowest point 0 m
Highest point 1,447 m
Population 5,073,296
Official languages
  • English
Religion Christian
Long country name Republic of Liberia
Short country name Liberia
Long local name Add
Short local name Add
Former name Add
Government type Presidential republic
Capital Monrovia
GDP (PPP) 6,112,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 3,285,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 2.5 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 1,300 USD
Gross national saving Add
Labor force 1,677,000
Unemployment rate 2.8 %
Population below poverty line 54.1 %
Budget revenues 553,600,000 USD
Budget expenditures 693,800,000 USD
Military expenditures 0.77 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 16.9 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit -4.3 % of GDP
Public debt 34.4 % of GDP
Inflation rate 12.4 %
Central bank discount rate 3.2 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 13.3 %
Stock of narrow money 423,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 423,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 792,300,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares Add
Current account balance -627,000,000 USD
Exports 260,600,000 USD
Imports 1,166,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 459,800,000 USD
External debt 1,036,000,000 USD
National currency Liberian dollars
National currency (code) LRD
National currency (symbol) $
National currency rate to USD 109.4

Settlement of freed slaves from the US in what is today Liberia began in 1822; by 1847, the Americo-Liberians were able to establish a republic. William TUBMAN, president from 1944-71, did much to promote foreign investment and to bridge the economic, social, and political gaps between the descendants of the original settlers and the inhabitants of the interior. In 1980, a military coup led by Samuel DOE ushered in a decade of authoritarian rule. In December 1989, Charles TAYLOR launched a rebellion against DOE's regime that led to a prolonged civil war in which DOE was killed. A period of relative peace in 1997 allowed for an election that brought TAYLOR to power, but major fighting resumed in 2000. An August 2003 peace agreement ended the war and prompted the resignation of former president Charles TAYLOR, who was convicted by the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague for his involvement in Sierra Leone's civil war. After two years of rule by a transitional government, democratic elections in late 2005 brought President Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF to power. She subsequently won reelection in 2011 but was challenged to rebuild Liberia's economy, particularly following the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic, and to reconcile a nation still recovering from 14 years of fighting. Constitutional term limits barred President JOHNSON SIRLEAF from running for re-election. Legal challenges delayed the 2017 presidential runoff election, which was eventually won by George WEAH. In March 2018, the UN completed its 15-year peacekeeping mission in Liberia.

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