Attribute | Value |
Ticker | JULD |
Website | |
Consensus | Add |
Algorithm | Add |
Price | 0.14889 |
Trading Volume | 8184590.01313 |
Market Dominance | 0.0028 |
Market Capitalization | 56394099.39 |
Total Supply | 799383875.35004 |
Max Supply | 800,000,000 |
JulSwap launched on December 29 2020 is the equivalent of Uniswap (UNI) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). JulSwap offers the same trading engine and analytics as Uniswap and some additional features from SushiSwap (SUSHI).JulSwap offers automated decentralized exchange of BSC-20 tokens. The goal of this project is to lower the barrier to entry in decentralized finance (DeFi). The platform allows any user to create their own liquidity pool.