Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 [+]Compare [E]dit [H]istory

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Attribute Value
General Information
Brand Qualcomm
Series Qualcomm Snapdragon
Model Qualcomm Snapdragon 660
CPU Cores and Base Frequency
CPU Cores 8
Frequency 1.84 GHz
CPU Threads 8
Core architecture normal
Hyperthreading -
Overclocking -
A core 4x Cortex-A73
B core 4x Cortex-A53
Turbo (1 Core) 2.2 GHz
Turbo (8 Cores) 1.84 GHz
Hardware codec support
JPEG Decode
h264 Decode
h265 / HEVC (8 bit) Decode
h265 / HEVC (10 bit) No
VP8 Decode
AV1 No
VC-1 Decode
VP9 Decode
Internal Graphics
GPU name Qualcomm Adreno 512
GPU frequency 0.6 GHz
GPU (Turbo) 0.6 GHz
Generation 5
DirectX Version 11
Execution units 0
Shader 128
Max. displays 0
GPU Release date 2015 year
Memory And PCIe
Memory type LPDDR4-1866
Memory channels 2
Technical details
Release date 2017 year
Technology 14 Nm
  • none
Architecture ARM Cortex-A73/Cortex-A53
Instruction set (ISA) ARMv8-A64 (64 bit)
iGPU - FP32 Performance (Single-precision GFLOPS) 154
Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core) 330
Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core) 1,356
AnTuTu 8 benchmark 158,369

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