Comparisons / Comparison of Japan and San Marino

Comparison of Japan and San Marino [S]ave


San Marino
Area (km²)377,91561
Land area (km²)364,48561
Water area (km²)13,4300
Land boundaries (km)037
Border countries-
  • Italy
Coastline (km)29,7510
Mean elevation (m)438-
Lowest point (m)-455
Highest point (m)3,776739
Official languagesArray of valuesArray of values
ReligionShintoismRoman Catholic
Long country name-Republic of San Marino
Short country nameJapanSan Marino
Long local nameNihon-koku/Nippon-kokuRepubblica di San Marino
Short local nameNihon/NipponSan Marino
Government typeParliamentary constitutional monarchyParliamentary republic
CapitalTokyoSan Marino
GDP (PPP) (USD)5,443,000,000,0002,064,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)4,873,000,000,0001,643,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)1.71.9
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)42,90059,000
Gross national saving (% of GDP)28-
Labor force65,010,00021,960
Unemployment rate (%)2.98.1
Population below poverty line (%)16.1-
Budget revenues (USD)1,714,000,000,000667,700,000
Budget expenditures (USD)1,885,000,000,000715,300,000
Military expenditures (% of GDP)0.92-
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)35.240.6
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)-3.5-2.9
Public debt (% of GDP)237.624.1
Inflation rate (%)0.51
Central bank discount rate (%)0.3-
Commercial bank prime lending rate (%)1.485.92
Stock of narrow money (USD)6,317,000,000,0001,326,000,000
Stock of broad money (USD)6,317,000,000,0004,584,000,000
Stock of domestic credit (USD)13,070,000,000,0008,822,000,000
Market value of publicly traded shares (USD)4,895,000,000,000-
Current account balance (USD)196,100,000,0000
Exports (USD)688,900,000,0003,827,000,000
Imports (USD)644,700,000,0002,551,000,000
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (USD)1,264,000,000,000392,000,000
External debt (USD)3,240,000,000,000-
National currencyyeneuros
National currency (code)JPYEUR
National currency (symbol)¥
National currency rate to USD111.10.885

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