Comparisons / Comparison of Saint Lucia and Vanuatu

Comparison of Saint Lucia and Vanuatu [S]ave

Saint Lucia

Area (km²)61612,189
ContinentNorth AmericaAustralia
Land area (km²)60612,189
Water area (km²)100
Land boundaries (km)00
Coastline (km)1582,528
Lowest point (m)00
Highest point (m)9481,877
Official languages
  • English
  • creole)
  • local languages (more than
ReligionRoman CatholicProtestant
Long country name-Republic of Vanuatu
Short country nameSaint LuciaVanuatu
Long local name-Ripablik blong Vanuatu
Short local name-Vanuatu
Former name-
  • New Hebrides
Government typeParliamentary democracyParliamentary republic
GDP (PPP) (USD)2,542,000,000772,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)1,686,000,000870,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)34.2
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)14,4002,700
Gross national saving (% of GDP)19.4-
Labor force79,700115,900
Unemployment rate (%)201.7
Budget revenues (USD)398,200,000236,700,000
Budget expenditures (USD)392,800,000244,100,000
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)23.627.2
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)0.3-0.9
Public debt (% of GDP)70.748.4
Inflation rate (%)0.13.1
Central bank discount rate (%)6.520
Commercial bank prime lending rate (%)8.343.2
Stock of narrow money (USD)334,200,000424,700,000
Stock of broad money (USD)334,200,000424,700,000
Stock of domestic credit (USD)1,267,000,000494,000,000
Current account balance (USD)21,000,000-13,000,000
Exports (USD)185,100,00044,700,000
Imports (USD)600,000,000273,700,000
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (USD)321,800,000395,100,000
External debt (USD)570,600,000200,500,000
National currencyEast Caribbean dollarsvatu
National currency (code)XCDVUV
National currency (symbol)$VT
National currency rate to USD2.7109.7

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