Comparisons / Comparison of Cote d'Ivoire and Kenya

Comparison of Cote d'Ivoire and Kenya [S]ave


Cote d'Ivoire
Area (km²)580,367322,463
Land area (km²)569,140318,003
Water area (km²)11,2274,460
Land boundaries (km)3,4573,458
Border countries
  • Ethiopia
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Burkina Faso
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Liberia
  • Mali
Coastline (km)536515
Mean elevation (m)762250
Lowest point (m)00
Highest point (m)5,1991,752
Official languages
  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • French
Long country nameRepublic of KenyaRepublic of Cote d'Ivoire
Short country nameKenyaCote d'Ivoire
Long local nameRepublic of Kenya/Jamhuri ya KenyaRepublique de Cote d'Ivoire
Short local nameKenyaCote d'Ivoire
Former name
  • British East Africa
  • Ivory Coast
Government typePresidential republicPresidential republic
GDP (PPP) (USD)163,700,000,00097,160,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)79,220,000,00040,470,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)4.97.8
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)3,5003,900
Gross national saving (% of GDP)10.415.9
Labor force19,600,0008,747,000
Unemployment rate (%)409.4
Population below poverty line (%)36.146.3
Budget revenues (USD)13,950,000,0007,749,000,000
Budget expenditures (USD)19,240,000,0009,464,000,000
Military expenditures (% of GDP)1.31.36
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)17.619.1
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)-6.7-4.2
Public debt (% of GDP)54.247
Inflation rate (%)80.8
Central bank discount rate (%)104.25
Commercial bank prime lending rate (%)13.675.4
Stock of narrow money (USD)14,070,000,00011,630,000,000
Stock of broad money (USD)14,070,000,00011,630,000,000
Stock of domestic credit (USD)32,000,000,00014,560,000,000
Market value of publicly traded shares (USD)19,330,000,00012,490,000,000
Current account balance (USD)-5,021,000,000-1,860,000,000
1Exports (USD)5,792,000,00011,740,000,000
Imports (USD)15,990,000,0009,447,000,000
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (USD)7,354,000,0006,257,000,000
External debt (USD)27,590,000,00013,070,000,000
National currencyKenyan shillingsCommunaute Financiere Africaine francs
National currency (code)KESXOF
National currency (symbol)KSh-
National currency rate to USD102.1594.3

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