Comparisons / Comparison of Faroe Islands and Wallis and Futuna

Comparison of Faroe Islands and Wallis and Futuna [S]ave

Faroe Islands

Wallis and Futuna
Area (km²)1,393142
Land area (km²)1,393142
Water area (km²)00
Land boundaries (km)00
Coastline (km)1,117129
Lowest point (m)00
Highest point (m)882522
Official languages
  • Faroese
  • French
ReligionChristianRoman Catholic
Long country name-Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands
Short country nameFaroe IslandsWallis and Futuna
Long local name-Territoire des Iles Wallis et Futuna
Short local nameForoyarWallis et Futuna
Former name-
  • Hoorn Islands is the former name of the Futuna Islands
Government typeParliamentary democracyParliamentary democracy
GDP (PPP) (USD)2,001,000,00060,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)2,765,000,000195,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)5.9-
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)40,0003,800
Gross national saving (% of GDP)25.7-
Labor force27,5404,482
Unemployment rate (%)2.28.8
Population below poverty line (%)10-
Budget revenues (USD)835,600,00032,540,000
Budget expenditures (USD)883,800,00034,180,000
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)30.216.7
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)-1.7-0.8
Public debt (% of GDP)355.6
Inflation rate (%)-0.30.9
Exports (USD)1,184,000,00047
Imports (USD)978,400,00061,170,000
External debt (USD)387,600,0003,670,000
National currencyDanish kronerComptoirs Francais du Pacifique francs
National currency (code)DKKXPF
National currency (symbol)krF
National currency rate to USD6.586110.2

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