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Aliases: French Guinea, Guinee, Republic of Guinea, Republique de Guinee

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Object «Guinea» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 245,857 km²
Continent Africa
Land area 245,717 km²
Water area 140 km²
Land boundaries 4,046 km
Border countries
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Liberia
  • Mali
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
Coastline 320 km
Mean elevation 472 m
Lowest point 0 m
Highest point 1,752 m
Population 12,527,440
Official languages
  • French
Religion Muslim
Long country name Republic of Guinea
Short country name Guinea
Long local name Republique de Guinee
Short local name Guinee
Former name
  • French Guinea
Government type Presidential republic
Capital Conakry
GDP (PPP) 27,970,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 10,250,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 8.2 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 2,200 USD
Gross national saving 5.1 % of GDP
Labor force 5,558,000
Unemployment rate 2.7 %
Population below poverty line 47 %
Budget revenues 1,700,000,000 USD
Budget expenditures 1,748,000,000 USD
Military expenditures 2.47 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 16.6 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit -0.5 % of GDP
Public debt 37.9 % of GDP
Inflation rate 8.9 %
Central bank discount rate 22.25 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 22.2 %
Stock of narrow money 1,840,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 1,840,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 1,762,000,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares Add
Current account balance -705,000,000 USD
Exports 3,514,000,000 USD
Imports 4,799,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 331,800,000 USD
External debt 1,458,000,000 USD
National currency Guinean francs
National currency (code) GNF
National currency (symbol) FG
National currency rate to USD 9

Guinea is at a turning point after decades of authoritarian rule since gaining its independence from France in 1958. Sekou TOURE ruled the country as president from independence to his death in 1984. Lansana CONTE came to power in 1984 when the military seized the government after TOURE's death. Gen. CONTE organized and won presidential elections in 1993, 1998, and 2003, though results were questionable due to a lack in transparency and neutrality in the electoral process. Upon CONTE's death in December 2008, Capt. Moussa Dadis CAMARA led a military coup, seizing power and suspending the constitution. His unwillingness to yield to domestic and international pressure to step down led to heightened political tensions that peaked in September 2009 when presidential guards opened fire on an opposition rally killing more than 150 people. In early December 2009, CAMARA was wounded in an assassination attempt and exiled to Burkina Faso. A transitional government led by Gen. Sekouba KONATE paved the way for Guinea's transition to a fledgling democracy. The country held its first free and competitive democratic presidential and legislative elections in 2010 and 2013 respectively, and in October 2015 held a second consecutive presidential election. Alpha CONDE was reelected to a second five-year term as president in 2015, and the National Assembly was seated in January 2014. CONDE's first cabinet is the first all-civilian government in Guinea. The country held a successful political dialogue in August and September 2016 that brought together the government and opposition to address long-standing tensions. Local elections were held in February 2018, and disputed results in some of the races resulted in ongoing protests against CONDE's government.

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