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Aliases: Hrvatska, People's Republic of Croatia, Republic of Croatia, Republika Hrvatska

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Object «Croatia» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 56,594 km²
Continent Europe
Land area 55,974 km²
Water area 620 km²
Land boundaries 2,237 km
Border countries
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Hungary
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia
  • Slovenia
Coastline 5,835 km
Mean elevation 331 m
Lowest point 0 m
Highest point 1,831 m
Population 4,227,746
Official languages
  • Croatian
Religion Roman Catholic
Long country name Republic of Croatia
Short country name Croatia
Long local name Republika Hrvatska
Short local name Hrvatska
Former name
  • People's Republic of Croatia
  • Socialist Republic of Croatia
Government type Parliamentary republic
Capital Zagreb
GDP (PPP) 102,100,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 54,760,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 2.8 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 24,700 USD
Gross national saving 24.7 % of GDP
Labor force 1,559,000
Unemployment rate 12.4 %
Population below poverty line 19.5 %
Budget revenues 25,240,000,000 USD
Budget expenditures 24,830,000,000 USD
Military expenditures 1.68 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 46.1 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit 0.8 % of GDP
Public debt 77.8 % of GDP
Inflation rate 1.1 %
Central bank discount rate 3 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 4.23 %
Stock of narrow money 14,200,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 14,200,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 39,970,000,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares 18,330,000,000 USD
Current account balance 2,150,000,000 USD
Exports 13,150,000,000 USD
Imports 22,340,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 18,820,000,000 USD
External debt 48,100,000,000 USD
National currency kuna
National currency (code) HRK
National currency (symbol) kn
National currency rate to USD 6.62

Croatia is a country in Central and Southeast Europe with a population of over 4 million. It is bordered by Bosnia and Herzegovina to the north, Serbia to the east, Slovenia to the south, and Hungary to the west. The capital city is Zagreb. Croatia borders the Adriatic Sea and has beautiful mountain scenery, including the famous Plitvice Lakes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a popular tourist destination with a lively nightlife scene and a vibrant cultural life. Croatian is the official language of the country. People from Croatia are also called Croats. The main religion in Croatia is Roman Catholicism. Other important religions are Islam and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Croatia gained its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 and was admitted into the United Nations the following year. It was admitted to the European Community in 2013. Tourism is an important part of the Croatian economy. The main tourist destinations are the historic city of Dubrovnik and the islands of Hvar and Korcula.


Croatian culture is very varied and includes a range of architectural styles ranging from Romanesque churches to Art Nouveau buildings to ultra-modern skyscrapers. Music has a strong tradition in Croatia and classical music is particularly popular. There is also a lively folk tradition and a traditional song known as 'Ljubavi me' is very popular. In recent years modern music has also become very popular. The dancing styles include the so-called dunavska teta from Dalmatia, tambura music from Slavonia, and 'hora' dance from the south.


Croatian cuisine is very diverse with strong Italian, Hungarian, Turkish and Serbian influences. The country produces some excellent wines, especially whites like Malvazija and Posip, as well as reds like Teran and Merlot. Many fish dishes are prepared using fresh-caught fish, which is easily available from the surrounding waters. The national dish is burek, a flaky pastry filled with meat or cheese. It is also popular throughout the Balkans.

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