Comparisons / Comparison of Botswana and Peru

Comparison of Botswana and Peru [S]ave


Area (km²)1,285,216581,730
ContinentSouth AmericaAfrica
Land area (km²)1,279,996566,730
Water area (km²)5,22015,000
Land boundaries (km)7,0624347.15
Border countries
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Namibia
  • South Africa
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
Coastline (km)2,4140
Mean elevation (m)1,5551,013
Lowest point (m)0513
Highest point (m)6,7461,489
Official languages
  • Aymara
  • Quechua
  • Spanish
  • English
ReligionRoman CatholicChristian
Long country nameRepublic of PeruRepublic of Botswana
Short country namePeruBotswana
Long local nameRepublica del PeruRepublic of Botswana
Short local namePeruBotswana
Former name-
  • Bechuanaland
Government typePresidential republicParliamentary republic
GDP (PPP) (USD)430,300,000,00039,010,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)214,200,000,00017,380,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)2.52.4
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)13,50017,000
Gross national saving (% of GDP)19.840.3
Labor force17,030,0001,177,000
Unemployment rate (%)6.920
Population below poverty line (%)22.719.3
Budget revenues (USD)58,060,000,0005,305,000,000
1Budget expenditures (USD)64,810,000,0005,478,000,000
Military expenditures (% of GDP)1.192.78
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)27.130.5
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)-3.1-1
Public debt (% of GDP)25.414
Inflation rate (%)2.83.3
Central bank discount rate (%)4.255.5
Commercial bank prime lending rate (%)16.66.88
Stock of narrow money (USD)33,410,000,0001,645,000,000
Stock of broad money (USD)33,410,000,0001,645,000,000
Stock of domestic credit (USD)56,700,000,0003,002,000,000
Market value of publicly traded shares (USD)56,560,000,0004,588,000,000
Current account balance (USD)-2,414,000,0002,146,000,000
Exports (USD)44,920,000,0005,934,000,000
Imports (USD)38,650,000,0005,005,000,000
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (USD)63,830,000,0007,491,000,000
External debt (USD)66,250,000,0002,187,000,000
National currencynuevo solpulas
National currency (code)PENBWP
National currency (symbol)S/.P
National currency rate to USD3.26510.19

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