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Aliases: Republic of Peru, Republica del Peru

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Object «Peru» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 1,285,216 km²
Continent South America
Land area 1,279,996 km²
Water area 5,220 km²
Land boundaries 7,062 km
Border countries
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
Coastline 2,414 km
Mean elevation 1,555 m
Lowest point 0 m
Highest point 6,746 m
Population 31,914,989
Official languages
  • Aymara
  • Quechua
  • Spanish
Religion Roman Catholic
Long country name Republic of Peru
Short country name Peru
Long local name Republica del Peru
Short local name Peru
Former name Add
Government type Presidential republic
Capital Lima
GDP (PPP) 430,300,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 214,200,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 2.5 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 13,500 USD
Gross national saving 19.8 % of GDP
Labor force 17,030,000
Unemployment rate 6.9 %
Population below poverty line 22.7 %
Budget revenues 58,060,000,000 USD
Budget expenditures 64,810,000,000 USD
Military expenditures 1.19 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 27.1 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit -3.1 % of GDP
Public debt 25.4 % of GDP
Inflation rate 2.8 %
Central bank discount rate 4.25 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 16.6 %
Stock of narrow money 33,410,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 33,410,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 56,700,000,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares 56,560,000,000 USD
Current account balance -2,414,000,000 USD
Exports 44,920,000,000 USD
Imports 38,650,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 63,830,000,000 USD
External debt 66,250,000,000 USD
National currency nuevo sol
National currency (code) PEN
National currency (symbol) S/.
National currency rate to USD 3.265

Ancient Peru was the seat of several prominent Andean civilizations, most notably that of the Incas whose empire was captured by Spanish conquistadors in 1533. Peru declared its independence in 1821, and remaining Spanish forces were defeated in 1824. After a dozen years of military rule, Peru returned to democratic leadership in 1980, but experienced economic problems and the growth of a violent insurgency. President Alberto FUJIMORI's election in 1990 ushered in a decade that saw a dramatic turnaround in the economy and significant progress in curtailing guerrilla activity. Nevertheless, the president's increasing reliance on authoritarian measures and an economic slump in the late 1990s generated mounting dissatisfaction with his regime, which led to his resignation in 2000. A caretaker government oversaw a new election in the spring of 2001, which installed Alejandro TOLEDO Manrique as the new head of government - Peru's first democratically elected president of indigenous ethnicity. The presidential election of 2006 saw the return of Alan GARCIA Perez who, after a disappointing presidential term from 1985 to 1990, oversaw a robust economic rebound. Former army officer Ollanta HUMALA Tasso was elected president in June 2011, and carried on the sound, market-oriented economic policies of the three preceding administrations. Poverty and unemployment levels have fallen dramatically in the last decade, and today Peru boasts one of the best performing economies in Latin America. Pedro Pablo KUCZYNSKI Godard won a very narrow presidential runoff election in June 2016. Facing impeachment after evidence surfaced of his involvement in a vote-buying scandal, President KUCZYNSKI offered his resignation on 21 March 2018. Two days later, First Vice President Martin Alberto VIZCARRA Cornejo was sworn in as president.

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