Comparisons / Comparison of El Salvador and Zimbabwe

Comparison of El Salvador and Zimbabwe [S]ave


El Salvador
Area (km²)390,75721,041
ContinentAfricaNorth America
Land area (km²)386,84720,721
Water area (km²)3,910320
Land boundaries (km)3,229590
Border countries
  • Botswana
  • Mozambique
  • South Africa
  • Zambia
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
Coastline (km)0307
Mean elevation (m)961442
Lowest point (m)1620
Highest point (m)2,5922,730
Official languages
  • Shona
  • most widely spoken), Ndebele
  • traditionally used for official business),
  • Spanish
ReligionProtestantRoman Catholic
Long country nameRepublic of ZimbabweRepublic of El Salvador
Short country nameZimbabweEl Salvador
Long local name-Republica de El Salvador
Short local name-El Salvador
Former name
  • Rhodesia
  • Southern Rhodesia
  • Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Government typePresidential republicPresidential republic
CapitalHarareSan Salvador
GDP (PPP) (USD)34,270,000,00051,170,000,000
GDP (OER) (USD)17,640,000,00024,810,000,000
GDP (real growth rate) (%)3.72.3
GDP - per capita (PPP) (USD)2,3008,000
Gross national saving (% of GDP)23.314.9
Labor force7,907,0002,774,000
Unemployment rate (%)11.37
Population below poverty line (%)72.332.7
Budget revenues (USD)3,800,000,0005,886,000,000
Budget expenditures (USD)5,500,000,0006,517,000,000
Military expenditures (% of GDP)2.171.03
Taxes and other revenues (% of GDP)21.523.7
Budget surplus or deficit (% of GDP)-9.6-2.5
Public debt (% of GDP)82.367.9
Inflation rate (%)0.91
Central bank discount rate (%)7.17-
Commercial bank prime lending rate (%)186.47
Stock of narrow money (USD)4,322,000,0003,653,000,000
Stock of broad money (USD)4,322,000,0003,653,000,000
Stock of domestic credit (USD)8,389,000,00014,220,000,000
Market value of publicly traded shares (USD)4,073,000,0002,640,000,000
Current account balance (USD)-716,000,000-501,000,000
Exports (USD)4,353,000,0004,662,000,000
1Imports (USD)5,472,000,0009,499,000,000
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (USD)431,800,0003,567,000,000
External debt (USD)9,357,000,00015,510,000,000
National currencyZimbabwean dollarsUS Dollar
National currency (code)ZWDUSD
National currency (symbol)-$
National currency rate to USD11

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