Comparisons / Comparison of Mooney M22 Mustang and Piper PA-46R-350T Matrix

Comparison of Mooney M22 Mustang and Piper PA-46R-350T Matrix [S]ave

Piper PA-46R-350T Matrix

Mooney M22 Mustang
ManufacturerPiper AircraftMooney Aircraft
ModelPiper PA-46R-350T MatrixMooney M22 Mustang
CountryUnited StatesUnited States
Manufactured from (year)20071965
Manufactured to (year)20151970
TypePrivate Single EnginePrivate Single Engine
Engine1x 1 X Textron Lycoming TIO 540 AE2A1x Lycoming TIO-541-A1A
Power, hp (hp)350310
AvionicsDual Garmin GNS 430, Garmin G1000 avionics systemNarco 810 , Narco 120/20, Narco 825 connected to HSI, Narco 122, Narco AT 150 Transponder King
Max cruise speed (km/h)398411
Approach speed (km/h)111107
Travel range (km)2,4872,402
Fuel economy (km/l)13.107-
Service ceiling (m)7,6207,315
Rate of climb (m/sec)5.845.72
Take off distance (m)637348
Landing distance (m)599292
Max take off weight (kg)1,9691,670
Max landing weight (kg)1,8001,670
Max payload (kg)645564
Fuel tank capacity (l)454348
Baggage volume (m³)1-
Cabin height (m)1.19-
Cabin width (m)1.25-
Cabin length (m)3.73-
Exterior length (m)8.88.23
Tail height (m)3.43
Fuselage diameter (m)1.381.4
Wing span (m)13.110.67
Wing tipsNo WingletsNo Winglets

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