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Aliases: Republic of Honduras, Republica de Honduras

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Object «Honduras» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 112,090 km²
Continent North America
Land area 111,890 km²
Water area 200 km²
Land boundaries 1,575 km
Border countries
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Nicaragua
Coastline 823 km
Mean elevation 684 m
Lowest point 0 m
Highest point 2,870 m
Population 9,235,340
Official languages
  • Spanish
Religion Roman Catholic
Long country name Republic of Honduras
Short country name Honduras
Long local name Republica de Honduras
Short local name Honduras
Former name Add
Government type Presidential republic
Capital Tegucigalpa
GDP (PPP) 46,300,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 22,980,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 4.8 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 5,600 USD
Gross national saving 22.1 % of GDP
Labor force 3,735,000
Unemployment rate 5.6 %
Population below poverty line 29.6 %
Budget revenues 4,658,000,000 USD
Budget expenditures 5,283,000,000 USD
Military expenditures 1.71 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 20.3 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit -2.7 % of GDP
Public debt 39.5 % of GDP
Inflation rate 3.9 %
Central bank discount rate 6.25 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 19.26 %
Stock of narrow money 2,827,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 2,827,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 13,300,000,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares Add
Current account balance -380,000,000 USD
Exports 8,675,000,000 USD
Imports 11,320,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 4,708,000,000 USD
External debt 8,625,000,000 USD
National currency lempiras
National currency (code) HNL
National currency (symbol) L
National currency rate to USD 23.74

Once part of Spain's vast empire in the New World, Honduras became an independent nation in 1821. After two and a half decades of mostly military rule, a freely elected civilian government came to power in 1982. During the 1980s, Honduras proved a haven for anti-Sandinista contras fighting the Marxist Nicaraguan Government and an ally to Salvadoran Government forces fighting leftist guerrillas. The country was devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, which killed about 5,600 people and caused approximately $2 billion in damage. Since then, the economy has slowly rebounded.

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