Algeria [+]Compare [E]dit [H]istory

Aliases: Al Jaza'ir, Al Jumhuriyah al Jaza'iriyah ad Dimuqratiyah ash Sha'biyah, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

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Object «Algeria» has attributes

Attribute Value
Area 2,381,740 km²
Continent Africa
Land area 2,381,740 km²
Water area 0 km²
Land boundaries 6,734 km
Border countries
  • Libya
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Morocco
  • Niger
  • Tunisia
  • Western Sahara
Coastline 998 km
Mean elevation 800 m
Lowest point -40 m
Highest point 2,908 m
Population 42,972,878
Official languages
  • Arabic
Religion Muslim
Long country name People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Short country name Algeria
Long local name Al Jumhuriyah al Jaza'iriyah ad Dimuqratiyah ash Sha'biyah
Short local name Al Jaza'ir
Former name Add
Government type Presidential republic
Capital Algiers
GDP (PPP) 630,000,000,000 USD
GDP (OER) 167,600,000,000 USD
GDP (real growth rate) 1.4 %
GDP - per capita (PPP) 15,200 USD
Gross national saving 37.8 % of GDP
Labor force 11,820,000
Unemployment rate 11.7 %
Population below poverty line 23 %
Budget revenues 54,150,000,000 USD
Budget expenditures 70,200,000,000 USD
Military expenditures 5.27 % of GDP
Taxes and other revenues 32.3 % of GDP
Budget surplus or deficit -9.6 % of GDP
Public debt 27.5 % of GDP
Inflation rate 5.6 %
Central bank discount rate 4 %
Commercial bank prime lending rate 8 %
Stock of narrow money 84,560,000,000 USD
Stock of broad money 84,560,000,000 USD
Stock of domestic credit 110,200,000,000 USD
Market value of publicly traded shares Add
Current account balance -22,100,000,000 USD
Exports 34,370,000,000 USD
Imports 48,540,000,000 USD
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 97,890,000,000 USD
External debt 6,260,000,000 USD
National currency Algerian dinars
National currency (code) DZD
National currency (symbol) دج
National currency rate to USD 108.9

After more than a century of rule by France, Algerians fought through much of the 1950s to achieve independence in 1962. Algeria's primary political party, the National Liberation Front (FLN), was established in 1954 as part of the struggle for independence and has since largely dominated politics. The Government of Algeria in 1988 instituted a multi-party system in response to public unrest, but the surprising first round success of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) in the December 1991 legislative elections led the Algerian army to intervene and postpone the second round of elections to prevent what the secular elite feared would be an extremist-led government from assuming power. The army began a crackdown on the FIS that spurred FIS supporters to begin attacking government targets. Fighting escalated into an insurgency, which saw intense violence from 1992-98, resulting in over 100,000 deaths - many attributed to indiscriminate massacres of villagers by extremists. The government gained the upper hand by the late-1990s, and FIS's armed wing, the Islamic Salvation Army, disbanded in January 2000. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA, with the backing of the military, won the presidency in 1999 in an election that was boycotted by several candidates protesting alleged fraud, and won subsequent elections in 2004, 2009, and 2014. The government in 2011 introduced some political reforms in response to the Arab Spring, including lifting the 19-year-old state of emergency restrictions and increasing women's quotas for elected assemblies, while also increasing subsidies to the populace. Since 2014, Algeria’s reliance on hydrocarbon revenues to fund the government and finance the large subsidies for the population has fallen under stress because of declining oil prices. Protests broke out across the country in late February 2019 against President BOUTEFLIKA’s decision to seek a fifth term. BOUTEFLIKA resigned on 2 April 2019, and the speaker of the upper house of parliament, Abdelkader BENSALAH, became interim head of state on 9 April. Per the constitution, BENSALAH has 90 days to organize elections to elect a new president.  

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